American Revolution Battles Activity Gallery Walk


Skip the lecture and engage students in this inquiry-based gallery walk for the battles of the American Revolution. Students get up and moving on a gallery walk of the images of the Revolutionary War plus the part of the Treaty of Paris, a primary source. The groups collaborate to draw conclusions about the role different battles played in the overall war results.

This resource contains:

  • Teacher's guide

  • 6 Gallery displays (all primary sources)*

  • Analysis activity (2 options)

  • Student graphic organizer for gallery walk

  • DIGITAL version of all of the above for 1:1 classrooms or distance learning.

  • PDF and slides included

Never done a gallery walk? FREE: 5 tips for successful gallery walks.

* NOTE: This product is an inquiry lesson. There is not detailed information on each battle. It contains photos related to the battles for students to discuss and analyze.

Related bundles include:

American Revolution Teacher Resource Bundle

Early America Gallery Walk Bundle

US History from the Colonies through Civil War Mega Teacher Resource Bundle

More not to be missed gallery walks:

Bill of Rights Student Created Gallery Walk

US Civil War Reconstruction Gallery Walk

Westward Expansion Gallery Walk

The Aztecs Gallery Walk

The Civil Rights Movement Gallery Walk

Must have American Revolution resources:

American Revolution Causes Activities

American Revolution Unit Bundle

Road to Revolution Group Project

What's the Question Bell Ringers for the American Revolution

Bill of Rights Student Created Gallery Walk

American Revolution Comparative Timeline Activity

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Skip the lecture and engage students in this inquiry-based gallery walk for the battles of the American Revolution. Students get up and moving on a gallery walk of the images of the Revolutionary War plus the part of the Treaty of Paris, a primary source. The groups collaborate to draw conclusions about the role different battles played in the overall war results.

This resource contains:

  • Teacher's guide

  • 6 Gallery displays (all primary sources)*

  • Analysis activity (2 options)

  • Student graphic organizer for gallery walk

  • DIGITAL version of all of the above for 1:1 classrooms or distance learning.

  • PDF and slides included

Never done a gallery walk? FREE: 5 tips for successful gallery walks.

* NOTE: This product is an inquiry lesson. There is not detailed information on each battle. It contains photos related to the battles for students to discuss and analyze.

Related bundles include:

American Revolution Teacher Resource Bundle

Early America Gallery Walk Bundle

US History from the Colonies through Civil War Mega Teacher Resource Bundle

More not to be missed gallery walks:

Bill of Rights Student Created Gallery Walk

US Civil War Reconstruction Gallery Walk

Westward Expansion Gallery Walk

The Aztecs Gallery Walk

The Civil Rights Movement Gallery Walk

Must have American Revolution resources:

American Revolution Causes Activities

American Revolution Unit Bundle

Road to Revolution Group Project

What's the Question Bell Ringers for the American Revolution

Bill of Rights Student Created Gallery Walk

American Revolution Comparative Timeline Activity

Skip the lecture and engage students in this inquiry-based gallery walk for the battles of the American Revolution. Students get up and moving on a gallery walk of the images of the Revolutionary War plus the part of the Treaty of Paris, a primary source. The groups collaborate to draw conclusions about the role different battles played in the overall war results.

This resource contains:

  • Teacher's guide

  • 6 Gallery displays (all primary sources)*

  • Analysis activity (2 options)

  • Student graphic organizer for gallery walk

  • DIGITAL version of all of the above for 1:1 classrooms or distance learning.

  • PDF and slides included

Never done a gallery walk? FREE: 5 tips for successful gallery walks.

* NOTE: This product is an inquiry lesson. There is not detailed information on each battle. It contains photos related to the battles for students to discuss and analyze.

Related bundles include:

American Revolution Teacher Resource Bundle

Early America Gallery Walk Bundle

US History from the Colonies through Civil War Mega Teacher Resource Bundle

More not to be missed gallery walks:

Bill of Rights Student Created Gallery Walk

US Civil War Reconstruction Gallery Walk

Westward Expansion Gallery Walk

The Aztecs Gallery Walk

The Civil Rights Movement Gallery Walk

Must have American Revolution resources:

American Revolution Causes Activities

American Revolution Unit Bundle

Road to Revolution Group Project

What's the Question Bell Ringers for the American Revolution

Bill of Rights Student Created Gallery Walk

American Revolution Comparative Timeline Activity

What teachers say about this American Revolution gallery walk:

  • This was a great gallery walk! I love using art and prints to teach students about History! They get really good at analyzing events and fact-checking the artist!

  • Gallery walks are my favorite way to introduce a new topic and this one did not disappoint! The kids learned a lot and were engaged.

  • I loved using this in class. We did it before discussing the battles, so it was a great discussion starter when we started learning more about the war. It also got the students up and walking around the room as well as discussing with their partner what they saw in each picture.

  • This provided a great introduction to our Revolutionary Unit. The paintings in particular brought forth some great noticings and follow-up discussion. Great product!

  • I love this activity! We used this before taking notes and discussing the individual battles of the Revolution, so this really puts their "thinking like a historian" skills to use. Very engaging and discussion-provoking!

This purchase is for one teacher only. This resource is not to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. If you are interested in a site license, please contact me for a quote. This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives. Sharing this document with others in person or via the internet is a direct violation of copyright law and may be prosecuted.

Bill of Rights Gallery Walk
American Revolution Activity