Greatest Common Factor Activity GCF and LCM Word Problems Task Card


This ready-to-set use set of task cards focuses on word problems with greatest common factor and least common multiples. Skip the worksheet…but still get the practice. One set of cards has word problems. The other set has solutions to match. Good for self-checking! Addresses 6.NS.B.4.

This set includes:

- 12 regular-sized task cards and answer cards

- 12 notebook-sized task cards and answer cards for interactive notebooks

- a student response sheet and

- an answer key.

- PDF and slide versions of above included.

This resource can be found in the following money-saving bundles:

- Middle School Math Task Card Bundle Save 75% Introductory Price

- Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple Mini- Bundle

- 6th Grade Math Curriculum Bundle

Greatest common factor and least common multiple resources include:

Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple math detective activity

Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple Interactive Notebook Guided Notes

Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple word problem task card activity

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This ready-to-set use set of task cards focuses on word problems with greatest common factor and least common multiples. Skip the worksheet…but still get the practice. One set of cards has word problems. The other set has solutions to match. Good for self-checking! Addresses 6.NS.B.4.

This set includes:

- 12 regular-sized task cards and answer cards

- 12 notebook-sized task cards and answer cards for interactive notebooks

- a student response sheet and

- an answer key.

- PDF and slide versions of above included.

This resource can be found in the following money-saving bundles:

- Middle School Math Task Card Bundle Save 75% Introductory Price

- Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple Mini- Bundle

- 6th Grade Math Curriculum Bundle

Greatest common factor and least common multiple resources include:

Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple math detective activity

Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple Interactive Notebook Guided Notes

Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple word problem task card activity

This ready-to-set use set of task cards focuses on word problems with greatest common factor and least common multiples. Skip the worksheet…but still get the practice. One set of cards has word problems. The other set has solutions to match. Good for self-checking! Addresses 6.NS.B.4.

This set includes:

- 12 regular-sized task cards and answer cards

- 12 notebook-sized task cards and answer cards for interactive notebooks

- a student response sheet and

- an answer key.

- PDF and slide versions of above included.

This resource can be found in the following money-saving bundles:

- Middle School Math Task Card Bundle Save 75% Introductory Price

- Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple Mini- Bundle

- 6th Grade Math Curriculum Bundle

Greatest common factor and least common multiple resources include:

Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple math detective activity

Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple Interactive Notebook Guided Notes

Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple word problem task card activity

What teachers say about this 7th grade math activity for integers:

  • Great resource! My students loved it and it kept them engaged!

  • Aligned to curriculum and helpful resource.

  • Great resource.

  • Perfect for my class!

  • Loved the emphasis on academic vocabulary. Thank you!!

This purchase is for one teacher only. This resource is not to be shared with colleagues or used by an entire grade level, school, or district without purchasing the proper number of licenses. If you are interested in a site license, please contact me for a quote. This resource may not be uploaded to the internet in any form, including classroom/personal websites or network drives.

6th Grade Puzzle Bundle
Greatest Common Factor Activity GCF and LCM Word Problems Task Card
Ratio activity Word Problems including Unit Rate and Unit Price Paper Chain
Volume and Surface Area Activity Math Detective
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